Stage 8:
Second mountain finish and second win in a row for Pogacar (third this year)
A long range attack with a couple of old good picks: Bardet, Quintana and Alaphilippe.
Caught by the group pulled by Pogacar’s team, and no mercy from Pogacar, second Martinez and third o’Connor

The contest
Stage 8:
Edward Caley’s SLOW PUNCTURE does a strike: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 12th. A stunning 9 riders out of 15 score points in one stage with something like 118 points scored.
Other 3 teams scored over 100 points:
- Rita Visonà’s Barcollo ma non mollo: Rita has already won one stage this year, but also had a mirable three stages in a row scoring 0 points
- Lorenzo Lampiano’s Freno Pedalando in Salita: holding to your breaks on the sprints not on the mountains
- Andrea Quadrelli’s No Chance: you were close enough
A continuous shake up in the top position with Rene Van Noort confirming the lead and with a tight fight behind him.
Edward Caleys’s Slow Puncture and Lorenzo Lampiano’s Freno pedalando in salita win the stage in tandem and are now right behind Rita Visona. by 2 and 3 points… really tight
The results
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