The Stage:
25 years ago Oropa was the stage famously won by Pantani after his chain fell off and he would chase and pass 59 riders for one of his iconic stages. I was there and the crowd chhering that day was impressive.
Today Tadej POGACAR fell with 10 kms to go and rejoined the group fro a final attack at 5km to go to take stage and jersey. Although tv speakers shout that he was the same as Pantani, it is not quite the same thing, but anyway congratulations to Pogacar
Second was Daniel Felipe MARTINEZ POVEDA and Third Geraint THOMAS
Somebody already out of GC only after 2 stages
Jhonatan Manuel NARVAEZ PRADO loses quite some minutes and the pink jersey

The Contest
As every year, I did not capture a couple of teams and now the teams are 46 + 2
The late submission penalty has been applied
in particular one of the Teams, Davide Benetello’s Gamba-Pisotni shared the team only satruday night after the giro had already started.
Partially my fault since i told him only on saturday morning, but choosing 13 of the top 15 riders of stage 1 was probably not a great choice by Davide… yes you scored 132 points, but I was forced to apply the “late submission” clause and give you 132 points of penalty.
Dear Davide, I also offered you two chances to redeem: either climb to Oropa or to Livigno; you missed the first slot, now you only have once last chance to make it real (you ar too young to get this quote)…
Also Massimiliano Cividini’s CAPITANMAX came in late with his team but he was less outrageous and got only 59 points penalty
Stage 2 results:
Great performance from Rita Visonà’s Barcollo ma non mollo. She scores 98 points and takes the stage win and also the general classification lead.
Rita is generally know for being the Black Jersey of the giro, but maybe this time she got it right.
Rita takes the lead also in the mountains, overtaking Alessio Ciardi’s LASONIL SPALMERS.
I forgot to mention Alessio’s result yesterday, but he is now a veteran since 2011 and he sure knows how to regain the lead
here the usual excel file
Revenge is a dish best served cold
25 years ago there was a Giro Stage in Oropa.
I was there with my younger years friends and I was beaten by many of those cycling with me

25 years (and 25 kilos) after, i was back to Oropa on a bicycle with one of my best friends.
He dropped me at the beginning fo the climb, but i could see his not too far in front of me.
The climb to Oropa is not easy (11,8 kms at 6.2% with a peaks at 14%). At 2,5 kms to go the climbs seems to easen down: still a 5% but something that allows to to drop 2 teeth, but then back upo to 10% to the finish.
In the easy part i see my friend Marco in front of me. Still a hundred meters but I could see him. I literally pulled my legs out of my lungs and i was able to reach him and pass him by the distance of a mere wheel. Enough to celebrete my revenge after only 25 years.
Tri-Gliceridi worldwide live
Well, once the yellow jersey of the Tri-Gliceridi team is shown live worldwide. See our friend ET BIKES just behind Pogacar

Giro Fans
Also on stage 2 we have pictures from our fans

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