21th Fantasy Giro D’Italia – 2023 – Final Classification

Primoz Roglic wins his first Giro.

With another 3 vuelta in his basket, he inw the second active rider for grnad tour wins after Chris Froome. he misses only the Tour. can he do it?

21th Fantasy Giro D’Italia – 2023 – Final Classification

Fantagiro contest

JR Weinberg’s Veni, Vidi, Vici has the best combination to win the last stage.

Daniele Pontiggia’s PIPPEERO has taken the lead in stage 2 and never left it winning the 21st edition of fantasy Giro D’Italia.

THe classification is rather short.

Some stats and hall of fame will follow


Mountain competition is finished

Giorgio Polito’s Bike Brothes is enjoying his definitive Mountain competition winner


Click here to download detailed results:

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