20th Fantasy Giro D’Italia – 2022 – Stage 3b – First Rest Day

First rest day in the Giro this year, transferring from Hungary to Sicily

Tomorrow the first real mountain will come and some surprises expected.

You cannot win the Giro here, but you can definitely loose it


The game

If you were expecting not to be bothered from me in a rest stage… You are wrong.

As usual there are few riders that did not start the giro this year and the below teams have been updated:

PlayerTeamDNSReservePoints scored so far
Stefano MandressiCobra LibreBAGIOLI AndreaGAVIRIA Fernando16
Antonio FusiStella Rossa Firenze Ciclisti ProletariCHAVES EstebanKÄMNA Lennard8
Alessandro CividiniDelayTeamGROSU Eduard-MichaelCALMEJANE Lilian0
Beatrice AndreolaMIGROSCONCA FilippoNOVAK Domen0
Marco NesiTerapia Tapioca TeamBAGIOLI AndreaHINDLEY Jai0
The MonkeyThe Pink MonkeyKANGERT Tanel
MARTIN Guillaume
JR WeinbergTwin PalmsCHAVES EstebanBUCHMANN Emanuel0
Chiara AbbattistaAbbaTeamCONCA FilippoGALL Felix0

The Recruiter’s Cup

This year as you know there was a new competition called “the recruiter’s cup”. The player who sponsored most new rookies would have won the contest.

we have the first winner of 2022 fantasy giro:

I will pull myself out of the competition besides my 7 new entries (Alessandro Cividini, Andrea Quadrelli, Ciro, DanieleCaf, Michelangelo, Ritroso & Binotto, Romagnelli).

The winner is Pantaleo with 6 new players (Angela, Chiara, Luca C. , Luca E, Marco LL, and Monica)

Followed by a bunch of people with 1 team each:

Two rookies sponsored a new player (and this puts them one level above the others)

DanieleCaf Sponsors Mattia Zoccarato, and Ciro sponsors Mattia Formenti

The other whit a single new sponsored team are Giacomo Salmoiraghi with Alessia Poletti, Ken Narangoda with Manuela , Michele Bellon with Alberto and Cobra with Riccardo)


The updated Results

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