20th Fantasy Giro D’Italia – 2022 – Stage 17 – Results

Santiago BUITRAGO in the escapes everyday and finally gets a deserved stage win.

Second was Gijs LEEMREIZE an third Jan HIRT

The stage went through places with horrifying names: Passo del Vetriolo (Vitriol pass) and Menador pass (Hard beat pass) and the thoughes Van Der Poel did a long mountain escape to be caught only in the last few kms

Lots of people lost time on this stage and now it’s a game for three: Carapaz, Hindley and Landa. 2 mountain stages to go

Sean Yates abandons the giro


The game

Remko Kampert’s De Derailleurkes win the stage today. Remko is with us since a few years and he often shoots a stage victory.

He gains some position back in top 10

Giacomo Salmoiraghi’s Scott Cycling Team is slowly climbing the classification and now sits in 4th

The Mountains:

Luca Henning’s El Pistolero has put the climbing team together and outperformed everybody back and placed him in top 10. Still 2 mountain stages ahead

The results

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