18th fantaGiro – stage 14 – The champion of the world

Time for a Time Trial and the Time Trial Champions show up.

The Stage

A Time Trial World champion has few opportunities to show his Jersey and Filippo GANNA takes his opportunity.

Stage Victory to World Champion Filippo GANNA followed by his teammate (and 2 time World Champion) Rohan DENNIS and third Brandon MCNULTY

João ALMEIDA is 6th and gain time on each of his opponents

Now ALMEIDA leads the General classification with 1 minute on Wilko KELDERMANN and then there are 5 riders between 2:11 and 2:33 seconds



Time Trials are BORING.

Giacomo Salmoiraghi’s Scott Cycling Team take the stage Victory and is currently 29th

At teh top of the Classification, Rene van Noort’s CARPE DIEM II is again alone at the top of the game with a 2 point leadership

Time to to see if the rookies of 2019 have made some experience:

And…. Yes:

  • 2nd in general Classifcaion: Alessandro Roggiani’s RENZ Pro Team at only 2 points from leadership
  • 4th is Matteo Canali’s Pizzoccheromania
  • 8th Alice Crozzoletto’s Argo
  • 21st Mattia Calzolari’s Buo Team in tandem with il pirata’s Salumi VISMAra

But some need some more experience:

  • 32nd Antonio Salmoiraghi’s Spritz Team
  • 33rd Marco Algieri’s I corridori della Domenica
  • 37th Emanuela Gazzola’s Gazzola Team
  • 39th Rita Visonà’s Chi la dura la vince


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