A middle mountain stage
Stage Results
- Esteban CHAVES

Stage Comments
Esteban CHAVES takes the stage victory after one year of troubles since his exploit last year.
Down a few minutes Miguel Angel LOPEZ gains 45 seconds on Pink and a couple of attacks from Roglic with no results
Stage 20 is the clue stage with 5 climbs
3 stage winners on today’s stage:
- Luca MONDUCCI‘s You say John, I say Wayne – Finally Luca shows up here. Luca is the man who put all his favours on CONTADOR back in 2007 and dominated that year’s tour. I was surprise in not seeing him shine so far, but finally here he is
- JR WEINBERG’s Twin Palms – The only american in the game. Winner of the 2013 edition in both mountains and pink at his second apperance. He now has one more stage on his palma res
- Rita VISONÀ ‘s La bellezza salverà il mondo – Rita is a rookie and after winning a mountain stage, she wins also a points stage. Promising for next year
We have a couple of other notables in GC:
- Alessandro ROGGIANI‘s Roggia Team – late team submission but is steadily in 15th position. New generation is coming up
- Diego LUPP‘s Cernobbio Bike Team – 16th, at his second appearance. Can he make a top 15?
- Marco ROMAGNOLI‘s Pirupacchio Team – He create an excel list with mutliple variables to establish the best combination between mountain and points. It seems he has to better study the rules of the competition
- Augusto SANSONI‘s Chianti Cycling team – How can we miss Augusto? your personal battle with Luca Monducci seems to be in the favour of Luca. But this challenge is not over, I might make a special classification of all the years you have challenged each others.
Today crucial mountain stage…..
Check your results
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