17th Fantagiro – Stage 19

A middle mountain stage

Stage Results

  1. Esteban CHAVES
  2. Andrea VENDRAME
  3. Amaro ANTUNES

Stage Comments

Esteban CHAVES takes the stage victory after one year of troubles since his exploit last year.

Down a few minutes Miguel Angel LOPEZ gains 45 seconds on Pink and a couple of attacks from Roglic with no results

Stage 20 is the clue stage with 5 climbs


3 stage winners on today’s stage:

  • Luca MONDUCCI‘s You say John, I say Wayne – Finally Luca shows up here. Luca is the man who put all his favours on CONTADOR back in 2007 and dominated that year’s tour. I was surprise in not seeing him shine so far, but finally here he is
  • JR WEINBERG’s Twin Palms – The only american in the game. Winner of the 2013 edition in both mountains and pink at his second apperance. He now has one more stage on his palma res
  • Rita VISONÀ ‘s La bellezza salverà il mondo – Rita is a rookie and after winning a mountain stage, she wins also a points stage. Promising for next year

We have a couple of other notables in GC:

  • Alessandro ROGGIANI‘s Roggia Team – late team submission but is steadily in 15th position. New generation is coming up
  • Diego LUPP‘s Cernobbio Bike Team – 16th, at his second appearance. Can he make a top 15?
  • Marco ROMAGNOLI‘s Pirupacchio Team – He create an excel list with mutliple variables to establish the best combination between mountain and points. It seems he has to better study the rules of the competition
  • Augusto SANSONI‘s Chianti Cycling team – How can we miss Augusto? your personal battle with Luca Monducci seems to be in the favour of Luca. But this challenge is not over, I might make a special classification of all the years you have challenged each others.

Today crucial mountain stage…..

Check your results

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