22nd Fantasy Giro D’Italia – 2024 – the hall of fame

You though you were done with Fantasy Giro D’Italia daily spam…. but no, that ain’t over.

The organization, following in depth review of all results, photofinishes and disputes is proud to publish the HALL OF FAME of the Giro D’Italia.

As you know the prize for the giro is ETERNAL GLORY so here we are

The post is long so you can navigate directly to the session you want:

ETERNAL GLORY (also called The Official Hall of fame)

As you know, you win Eternal Glory for this

We had 46 + 2 teams (the monkeys) with 10 rookies.

Last year the teams were 40 so this meas we have 4 teams who have abandoned …. i will chase these to exhaustion next year

The pink jersey

There is an ex-equo this year:

Jeroen Vandeput was fourth with one stage to go and managed to be first with a boost on the last stage.

EX equo to Rene Van Noort, a competitor since year 1

  • 1st
    • Jeroen Vandeput Molteni with 1288
    • Rene van Noort Bitterballen! with 1288
  • 3rd
    • Claudio Ceni Come C’enno with 1280

The Mountain Jersey

  1. Marco Facciano Pretty in Pink with 719 points
  2. Davide Benetello Gamba-Pisotni with 697 points
  3. Alessio Ciardi Atletico Lasonil with 679 points

Other Classifications

  • Best Rookie: Giacomo Gheri MVDPOGAERT closed the giro in 15th position
  • Black Jersey The Monkey The pink monkey with 352 points… you need to choose your team better to beat the monkey. the second last was 197 higher than the monkey
  • Most Stage victories Edward Caley Slow Puncture with 5. an old habitant of the most victories classification
  • RECRUITER’s CUP Stefano Mandressi Cobra Libre with 2 teams (although we have to praise also Giacome Salmoriaghi who invited his mother)

Beat the monkey

THe monkey keeps making history: a random team was able to win one of the most prestigious jerseys arriving last general classification

The Golden Monkey (random pick within the top 30 riders in terms of preferences) was as expected in mid-high classification in 19th , getting very close to win some stages

  • Beat the monkey – Pink Elena Mauro Elena’s team + 197 points
  • Beat the monkey – Mountains Loris Favarato American White + 15 points

Some stats

  • 46 teams (plus 2 monkeys)
  • 11 Rookies – new generations growing
  • 17 different teams won a stage (some won by multiple teams)
  • The suboptimal team would have scored 1437 points. the winner scored 1288. Quite a good pick
  • Gap between first and second team is only 0 points (with the winner flipping the game on the last stage as often happens). Third team at 8 points and 4th at 12 points
  • 19 teams scored at least 1 point in every single stage
  • 1 team scored points on only 13 stages (Rita Visonà barcollo ma non mollo) and surprisingly won a stage and was not the black Jersey (34th of 48)
  • 30 teams (inlcuding the monkey) won a stage in the mountains classification
  • 1 team (only) ended the giro with all 15 riders Remko Kampert De derailleurkes
  • 2 team ended with only 9 riders ( Sander Logtenberg McDonalds and Alberto Vanossi Legalize my Cannondale)
  • 10 teams scored at least 1 point with every rider

Some more stats

Rene Van Noort manages to be the first to win 5 giro D’Italia and with 3 2nds an 1 third is now the leader followed by Marco Facciano and Alessio Ciardi in third

Rene van Noort5319
Marco Facciano437
Alessio Ciardi213
daniele Pontiggia224

In the Mountains the leader is JR Weinber with 3 golds, 1 silver and 1 bronze Followed by Andrea Quercioli and Marco Facciano

JR Weinberg3115
Andrea Quercioli224
Marco Facciano123

And as a Black Jersey there is an ex equo for 3:

Black Jersey
AtheteBlack Jersey
Andrea Quercioli2
Beatrice Andreola2
michele bellon2

The Results

See You Next year

for the 23rd edition of the Giro D’Italia 2025

Or earlier in Rene’s Tour de france in July

Visits: 66

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